The past couple of weeks has been hard for us all, and harder for some.
We're separated, isolated, lonely and afraid. There is so much uncertainty, so much unknown... it's no wonder people are fearful and demanding answers. People are out of work, and those still working are at risk daily. There is a lot going on that gives good reason for all of the anxiety and stress.
So, I'm trying to do what I can to help.
Last year I purchased a 70-200 zoom lens so I could take photos during my church's services. I wanted to be able to get close up images of the stage from the back of the room, I needed the reach. Now, I realize that this lens will also allow a reach well beyond the safe "six-foot" social distancing rule.

So, I'm offering some free photography sessions on people's front porches, front yards, and neighborhood streets. These sessions will allow people to stay safe at home, and allow me to be well over six feet away. My hope is that these sessions will be a welcome break to everyone's new routine, a reason to get dressed up, a reason to smile and plan ahead.
I've seen so many photographers doing front porch sessions and I think they are amazing, so let's take that a step further... give ourselves a little more flexibly and get creative. Let's pull that decorative chair out in the front yard, let's have a picnic in the street, let's do prom photos in house slippers, let's create something that we can look back at and smile or even laugh! Let's be proud of ourselves for making it, let's be ok with the 10 pounds that we've gained, let's look back at 2020 and remember how we all came back better and not just look back and see fear and sadness.
If you're in Georgetown, Kentucky (or surrounding areas) and want to talk a little more about possibly doing a six-foot session, contact me. OR, don't contact me, and set up a fun, creative photoshoot yourself... see some tips on that in my previous post.
Most importantly, just stay positive, give yourself some grace, and say a prayer for our world.
Let's come back better!